

Our Vision

Gadaa Renaissance aims to be a transformative platform for the advancement of the renewal of the Gadaa System. 

Our Values







About US

Gadaa Renaissance

    • Promote the role of the ethics, principles and values enshrined in the Gadaa System (Safuu Oromoo) as a tool to strengthen unity of purpose and harmony among the Oromo nation.

    • Support academic research and educational programs to deepen the public understanding of the Gadaa System - recognized by UNESCO as an Intangible Human Heritage in 2016 - by the Oromo and the international community.

    • Organize members across the globe to participate in the promotion of the Gadaa System.

    • Advance the reinstatement of the Siiqqee Institution (Oromo women’s organization embedded in the ancient Gadaa Order) to safeguard gender equality and women’s rights.

    • Develop evidence-based scientific information provision platforms regarding the history and future role of the Gadaa System and the Oromo as a nation as well as to enhance institutional capacity of the nation.

    • Engage in activities and projects that advance the national interests of the Oromo as a nation Oromummaa as an identity, and Oromia as a State.

    • Create and foster connectivity across the wider Oromo society (diaspora + homeland);

    • Articulate the urgency of the need for the renewal of the Gadaa System;

    • Articulate the goal of the renewal of the Gadaa System as the common goal;

    • Develop and nurture meaningful partnerships which spark collaboration and lay the foundations for the emergence of an effective organization/s;

    • Provide mentorship and empower the youth (Qarree and Qeerroo);

    • Promote women’s leadership role;

    • Develop a national consensus and create an effective leadership for its implementation;

    • Creating the conditions for a scalable model that can be implemented across diaspora and Oromia



    1.1     OROMIA, the homeland of the Oromo nation, is the largest state in the Ethiopian federation.

    1.2    The ancient Cushitic peoples who inhabited North and East Africa are reputed for their contributions to the advancements in science and technology of the human race.

    1.3    Hostile invaders ravaged the Cushitic civilization from across the Red Sea. Starting from the Mediterranean Sea, these peoples are believed to have scattered south and west for many centuries in search of peace and land.

    1.4    Although Cushite peoples were differentiated into distinct national and linguistic groups as they moved away from one another over vast territories, they still shared the Cushitic heritage they commonly practice.

    1.5    THE OROMO - The Oromo is the largest single national group in the Ethiopian Empire, by both population and area, and the largest of the Cushitic peoples in East Africa. Currently, the Oromo population in Ethiopia is estimated to be around 60 million. The Oromo also reside in the neighbouring areas incorporated into the other Regional States, such as, the large Oromo communities in Kenya, Somalia, and other East African states.

    1.6    About one million Oromo nationals also are dispersed across the rest of the world residing as refugees and legal immigrants. It is assumed that the Oromo are the second largest indigenous national group in Africa, South of the Sahara, next to Hausa/Nigeria in Africa. However, some scholars argue that the Oromo could be the largest if reliable population census are conducted.

    1.7    The GADAA SYSTEM - The Oromo nation is reputed for its democratic socio-political order known as the Gadaa System. Under this ancient system, practiced for thousands of years, high-ranking officials have been democratically elected for eight years. The electorate has the right to recall any or all of the officials in the fourth year if deemed unfit for office. The Gadaa system is a comprehensive socio-political order under which the equilibrium in the relations among humans, Waaqaa (the Creator), and nature are kept in balance.

    1.8    The Gadaa System is a an indigenous democratic socio-political system inscribed in 2016 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by the United Nations Cultural, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) (https://ich.unesco.org/en/RL/gada-system-an-indigenous-democratic-socio-political-system-of-the-oromo-01164).

    1.9    Gadaa laws protect women, children, elderlies, naturalized aliens who choose to live as one of the Oromos, the environment, wild and domestic animals. According to the famous American scholar Professor Donald Levin “Gadaa is one of the most complex systems of the social organization ever devised by the human imagination." Under this rich and complex system, the mechanism of checks and balances between the distinct government branches and secular and religious institutions was elaborately devised long before the rest of the world developed democratic institutions. 

    1.10  The Gadaa system had been the guiding principle of the social, political, and economic life of the Oromo nation for the more than three centuries since its consolidation. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, European colonial powers were engaged in what history recorded as “The scramble for Africa” and partitioned Africa as colonial territories. The Abyssinian neighbours in the North of what is today the Ethiopian Empire were also pursuing the agenda of building an empire at the expense of their neighbours in the South and South-West.

    1.11  King Menelik of the Shoa dynasty, who later became Emperor of Ethiopia in 1889, struck a deal with European colonial powers, such as England, France, and Italy, to participate in the Scramble for Africa and was provided with weapons and advice to embark on colonizing his neighbours. His delegation participated in The Berlin Conference held by colonial powers in 1884 to partition Africa. Abyssinia colonized Oromia and other “southern Peoples”; as a consequence of the brutal invasion, millions of Oromos were massacred, and the remaining were terrorized, enslaved or became semi-slaves called Gabbars. Menelik, who used modern weapons he obtained from European colonial powers, became their junior partner.  

    1.12 The subjugation of the Oromo was a direct component of the "Scramble for Africa," and Oromia still remains one of a few vestiges of colonial history in Africa. 

    1.13 The Gadaa system was weakened and officially banned by Emperor Menelik in 1900. However, it has survived the systemic and brutal assaults for over 140 years and is still practiced in some areas in Oromia. The Gadaa system is still alive in Oromos' minds and daily lives, even where it is not being practiced.

    1.14 Notwithstanding the gruesome massacre of 14 Gadaa leaders in Karrayyuu by government forces on December 1, 2021, while they were on routine Gadaa ceremony, demonstrates that attempts by Ethiopian colonial forces to dismantle the system are still alive after 140 years of continuous efforts.  

    1.15 The centuries-old Gadaa System was revised and re-enforced by an assembly of representatives in 1519 and was put into practice in 1522. It took the Assembly or the GUMII over six months to overhaul their ancient system to address the challenges of the time. The Oromo nation is under preparation to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Gadaa Renaissance in 2022. The Oromo people are eager to draw significant lessons from it to address the collective national challenges they face today. 

    1.16 The Oromo have a long history of struggle to do away with Abyssinian colonialism and domination. Peaceful means of struggle to regain its rights and dignity failed to materialize, and the Oromo national effort was forced to resort to armed struggle in the last fifty years. This year, Oromia is urged to commemorate the 500th year of the Gadaa renaissance even though the nation is in the midst of an Ethiopian regime undeclared war and the price the nation is paying due to the war and the widespread famine as the consequence of drought and man-made calamities. 


    2.1   The name of the organization shall be the Gadaa Renaissance.


    3.1   Gadaa Renaissance aims to be a transformative platform for the promotion, the advancement and the renewal of the Gadaa System. 


    4.1 Promote the role of the ethics, principles and values enshrined in the Gadaa System (Safuu Oromoo) as a tool to strengthen unity of purpose and harmony among the Oromo nation.  

    4.2 Support academic research and educational programs to deepen the public understanding of the Gadaa System - recognized by UNESCO as an Intangible Human Heritage in 2016 - by the Oromo and the international community.   

    4.3 Organize members across the globe to participate in the promotion of the Gadaa System. 

    4.4 Advance the reinstatement of the Siiqqee Institution (Oromo women’s organization embedded in the ancient Gadaa Order) to safeguard gender equality and women’s rights.    

    4.5 Develop evidence-based scientific information provision platforms regarding the history and future role of the Gadaa System and the Oromo as a nation as well as to enhance institutional capacity of the nation.  

    4.6 Engage in activities and projects that advance Oromo national interests and Oromummaa as the foundation of Oromo national identity, and Oromia as a State.  


    5.1   Gadaa Renaissance is organised exclusively for charitable, cultural, educational, and scientific purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distribution to organisations that qualify as exempt organisations under section of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

    5.2  Create and foster connectivity across the wider Oromo society (diaspora + homeland);

    5.3  Articulate the urgency of the need for the renewal of the Gadaa System;

    5.4  Articulate the goal of the renewal of the Gadaa System as the common national goal;

    5.5  Develop and nurture meaningful partnerships which spark collaboration and lay the foundations for the emergence of an effective organization.

    5.6 Provide mentorship and empower the youth (Qarree and Qeerroo);

    5.7  Promote women’s leadership role;

    5.8 Develop a national consensus and create an effective leadership for its implementation;

    5.9 Create conducive conditions for a scalable model that can be implemented across diaspora and Oromia. 


    6.1  Membership is open to persons of good standing who accept the visions and objectives of Gadaa Renaissance as stated herewith and abide by its Bylaws, rules and regulations. 

    6.2  Every member is required to act responsibly and participate in Gadaa Renaissance's activities

    6.3 Membership shall be terminated under the following conditions:

    6.3.1       A member commits major breach of code of conduct as stipulated in the internal by-laws. Such misconducts may include but not limited to exposing confidential organizational information to non-members, espionage, and acts of treason that harm the organization and/or its members. 

    6.3.2      A Member’s death, or voluntary resignation for any reason.

    6.3.3      Termination of non-Executive Committee member/s shall be decided by the Executive Committee upon due investigation by and recommendations of the Secretary.

    6.3.4      The Executive Committee may suspend any of its members and report to the Board of Directors for arbitration and/or referral to the General Assembly for the final decision. 


    The administrative structure of Gadaa Renaissance comprises Members' General Assembly, Board of Directors, Auditor, Executive Committee, Advisory Board and other ad hoc committees Regional Co-ordinating Committees, and Sub-Committees.


    7.1.1 Gadaa Renaissance members' General Assembly is vested with the highest authority to decide on the policies, activities, procedures and guidelines of the organization.

    7.1.2 The Assembly shall evaluate the Executive Committee reports on activities since the last meeting and approve plans of action until the next session.

    7.1.3 Evaluate and determine financial report and Auditor’s report.

    7.1.4 Elect members of board of directors, the Executive Committee and form permanent or ad hoc committees to accomplish special tasks when the need arises.

    7.1.5 Shall approve budgets and decide on specific major issues recommended by the board and/or the Executive Committee and other committees mandated to accomplish specific tasks.

    7.1.6 The Assembly convenes once a year. Emergency General Assembly can be held upon the request of the Executive Committee or the request by 10% or more members petition for a meeting. Such special Assembly shall be held in no more than two months after the request is submitted. 

    7.1.7 All General Assembly meetings shall be announced at least two weeks ahead of time.

    7.1.8 The venue for the Assemblies and the preparations for it shall be handled by the Executive Committee or a special committee designated by the Executive Committee.


    7.2.1 The Board of Directors shall consist of 7 members elected by the General Assembly.

    7.2.2 Members of the Board of Directors shall designate their Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson and the Secretary from among its own rank.

    7.2.3 The term of office for members of the Board of Directors shall be four years

    7.2.4 The Board shall oversee the performance, and activities of the Executive Committee and act on behalf of the General Assembly during the interim periods between Assembly meetings.

    7.2.5 The Board shall meet regularly on quarterly basis and as and when required on urgent basis in between the dates of the regular scheduled meetings. 

    7.2.6 The Board of Directors shall oversee the operations of Gadaa Renaissance.

    7.2.7 The Board shall nominate executive Committee officers for election at annual general assembly.

    7.2.8 The board shall review the performance of projects actioned and present comprehensive evaluation on the overall health and trends of the organization.

    7.2.9 The Board shall appoint an Auditor to audit the fiscal records of Gadaa Renaissance.

    7.2.10 Quorum: At any meeting of the Board of Directors more than one-half of the current Board Members/of Trustees shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.


    7.3.1 The Executive Committee shall have 7 members. 

    7.3.2 All members of the executive committee shall be elected by the General Assembly.

    7.3.3 Members of the Executive committee shall designate their Chairperson, the vice Chair, the Secretary, the vice secretary and the Treasurer from among their ranks.       

    7.3.4 The Executive committee shall be responsible to run the day-to-day activities of the organization.

    7.3.5 Shall oversee activities of the Regional Co-ordinating Committees and other sub-committees.

    7.3.6 Shall submit periodic reports on successes and set-backs on the overall activities of Gadaa Renaissance to its members and the board of directors.

    7.3.7 Shall arrange the venue and co-ordinate General Assembly conferences.

    7.3.8 The term of office for members of the Executive Committee shall be two years.

    7.3.7 Quorum: At any meeting of the Executive Committee more than one-half of the current Executive Committee Members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.    


    7.4.1 The Chairperson shall represent the organisation, preside over all meetings of Gadaa Renaissance EC, and shall have all powers as may be reasonably construed as belonging to the Chief Executive.   

    7.4.2 The Chairperson shall ensure the implementation of the various decisions of the Gadaa Renaissance and the Board of Directors.

    7.4.3 Shall deliver quarterly report to the Board of Directors.

    7.4.4 Negotiate, and execute, in the name of Gadaa Renaissance, all contracts or other documents authorised by the Board, except when the signature of the chairperson of the board of directors is required by law and must be provided.

    7.4.5 The Chairperson along with the Treasurer, deposit, disburse and account for all resources, funds and finances of the Gadaa Renaissance as authorised by the General Assembly or the Board of Directors or the Executive committee. 


    7.5.1 The secretary shall take minutes of the General Assembly and Executive Committee meetings and is responsible for the safe preservation of all documents of Gadaa Renaissance        

    7.5.2 Shall keep and update records of members.

    7.4.3 Shall co-ordinate financial activities in cooperation with the Treasurer and in consultation with the Executive Committee.  

    7.5.4 Shall deputise for the Chairperson.


    7.6.1 The Treasurer is responsible for the overall management of resources and financial affairs of Gadaa Renaissance

    7.6.2 Shall prepare budget and submit to the Executive Committee for annual General Assembly for approval.

    7.6.3 Shall prepare annual financial report. 

    7.6.4 Shall make accounts available for audit.

    7.6.5 If the treasurer quits her/his duty for any reason, the executive committee shall elect an Acting Treasurer from among its members to cover the interim period to the next General Assembly and informs the board of directors in writing, immediately        

    7.6.6 The Treasurer shall device a clear and transparent procedures as stipulated in the Gadaa Renaissance internal guidelines and in conformity with Government laws and regulations.

    7.6.7 The Treasurer shall co-sign all monetary transactions with the Chairman or with the Secretary in the absence of the Chairman.

    7.7 AUDITOR 

    7.7.1 The Board of Directors shall appoint an Auditor to perform audit duties.

    7.7.2 The auditor shall report to the General Assembly.


    7.8.1 The Advisory Board shall consist a panel of 7 individuals with deep knowledge and expertise in the Gadaa System. 

    7.8.2 The Advisory Board members are nominated by the Executive Committee and be approved by the Board of Directors.

    7.8.3 The purpose of the Advisory Board is to provide expert advice and insight into emerging areas of undertakings and strategic development to inform the Executive Committee to deliver world-class Gadaa related research and education. 


    7.9.1 Gadaa Renaissance shall establish Regional Co-ordinating Committees to focus on a given area of activity as needed. Such areas may include research, workshops, communication, fund-raising, relief and rehabilitation, women, youth other relevant affairs.

    7.9.2 Co-ordinating Committees shall be provided with the scope and report time frames.

    7.9.3 Co-ordinating Committees shall work in cooperation with and report to the Executive Committee.


    8.1 The following policies are set forth as part of the regulation of the internal affairs of Gadaa Renaissance. As such, Gadaa Renaissance shall:

    7.1.1 Understanding that theory informs practice, we believe that the Oromo worldview    informed the development of Gadaa, Qaalu, and Sinqee and provided a framework of thinking for equity, diversity, and sustainability; hence, we strive to make all our policies and procedures sprout from and consistent with the Oromo worldviews.

    8.1.1 Understanding that theory informs practice, we believe that the Oromo worldview informed the development of Gadaa, Qaalu, and Sinqee and provided a framework of thinking for equity, diversity, and sustainability; hence, we strive to make all our policies and procedures sprout from and consistent with the Oromo worldviews.

    8.1.2 Recognizing that the Gadaa system flourished with the Oromo spiritual institution that essentially promotes ethics/morality, we aim to understand how these institutions work together, better comprehend the Oromo worldview, and advance an alternative framework of thinking to pursue social and environmental justice and planetary health. Going forward, we advance the Lubas, the Oromo spiritual leaders (Waqeffana, Islam, and Christian) to work together and protect and promote ethics/morality without infringing the idea of separation of the state and religion.

    8.1.3 Under the Gada system, participation in social activities and building public good are the right and obligations of all the members. Therefore, we progressively work in the following three areas: make sure the two Oromo moieties (Borana and Barentu) are represented equally in the membership and leadership of the organization; guarantee that the ratios of males and females are equal in the membership and leadership of the organization; in understanding the essential roles all age groups play and fostering learning opportunities for the younger generations, we strive for all age groups to be proportionally represented in the memberships and prepared for future leadership.

    8.1.4. In the Gadaa system, decisions are made in consensus, which creates social ground for equity, diversity, and sustainability. For the same reasons, all decision makings made in consensus or by the vote of three fourth of the voting members.

    8.1.5 Conduct its affairs so as to maintain tax-exempt status under the Internal Revenue Code of the 501(c)(3) and the laws of the State of District of Colombia, Washington, USA.

    8.1.6 Not be operated for commercial purposes, but such prohibition shall not be construed to prevent Gadaa Renaissance from raising funds and engaging in activities to provide funding for the operation of Gadaa Renaissance to accomplish the purposes set forth herein.


    9.1 The Chairperson of the Board of Directors will appoint a Nominating Committee, who will  solicit nominations from among the membership. The slate of candidates will be reported to  the Chairperson of the Board of Directors and forwarded to all members for vote no less than thirty (30) days prior to the next General Assembly meeting. The forwarding of ballots may refer to the xxx Post Office or an approved electronic means. Space shall be provided on the ballot for write-in votes. Only ballots received by the specified deadline shall be counted. Officers and Representatives shall be elected by a majority of the members who cast votes.

    9.2 New officers assume their responsibilities at the General Assembly Meeting, following the counting of the ballots.


    10.1 Any member of the Board, or the executive committee or any other committees, who has a financial, personal, or official interest in, or conflict (or appearance of a conflict) with any matter pending before the Board, of such nature that it prevents or may prevent that Trustee from acting on the matter in an impartial manner, shall disclose in writing to the Board the nature and extent of said conflict, and shall not be counted in determining the quorum for the meeting. Any such conflict shall be recorded in the minutes.


    11.1 These Bylaws may be altered, amended, or replaced by the General Assembly by a majority vote upon recommendations by the Executive Committee or when petitioned by 50% or more members with good standing active members.

    11.2. Members can alter, amend, or replace by casting ballots after duly notifying the membership of the intention to alter, amend, or repeal.

    11.3. Vote on the amendments of these Bylaws may refer to a ballot sent via the Post Office or by approved electronic means. Only votes received by the specified deadline shall be counted.  

    11.2 An amending resolution must be passed by not less than two-thirds of the members who were present at the General Assembly.   


    12.1 Gadaa Renaissance may at any time be dissolved by a resolution passed by a two-thirds of its members, provided that at least 30-working-day notice of the intention to move such a resolution has been given to all members.

    12.2 Such a resolution may give instruction for the appropriate disposal of any assets held by the organization, after all debts and liabilities of the organization have been met.


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